Trouble - Part 6

Scripture Reading - Luke 10:38-42 KJV

38 Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house.
39 And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word.
40 But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me.
41 And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things:
42 But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.

Greetings fellow believer in the Mighty Name of Jesus today’s lesson will continue to speak on the subject of “Trouble”. In our first lesson we spoke on being in “trouble” because of disobedience to God. This is the same thing as saying all people are in “trouble” when they are walking contrary to God’s Word. Yes, the “trouble” may not always be physical because mental problems are “troubling” just as much as financial problems are “troubling” too. We also spoke on “Trouble – Part 2”. In that lesson we highlighted that many people are in “trouble” without knowing why they are in “trouble” or what to do when they’re in “trouble”. In those instances when you don’t know what to do next, our best advice is to call upon the “Name of the Lord Jesus Christ” and He will hear your call, then proceed to help you out of your “trouble”. In Trouble – Part 3” we touched on when “trouble” comes to you for no-fault of your own. We mentioned in those cases look upon the Face of God (His Holy Word) to see what God has promised you then believe God for His Deliverance according to His Word. In “Trouble – Part 4” we taught on dealing with certain people who cause trouble. You can either walk away from “troublemakers” or deal with them in the Light of God’s Word. Since God’s Light always overcomes Satan’s darkness we can always prevail over “troublemakers”. In “Trouble – Part 5” we spoke on “Spiritual Trouble”. In that lesson we mentioned that there are wicked and evil spirits that intend to do us harm but we have the power and authority of the Name of Jesus to overcome whatever they do against us. For surely Greater is God in you than all those negative forces in the world. In this lesson we will teach on handling “heart trouble”. When we (ihlcc) mention “heart trouble” we are specifically speaking about your spiritual heart which is the core of your being. Your heart is the throne of God’s fellowship with you when you are in submission to God. However, as we see in the reference verses shown today that even when Jesus is right there in our presence we can choose to ignore His Presence and Purpose by being distracted with trying to please men. What we mean by that is when Jesus comes to visit you it is not a time for entertaining others or cleaning the house. The Lord comes to visit you when He has something to share with you. This is why we should be slow to speak vain words and quick to listen to the words of truth. We notice from today’s scripture that Martha was “troubled” about many things so the peace of God was not operating in her as it should have. Also, when someone is “troubled” they worry a lot which steals their joy. Yes, having a “troubled heart” can be common if you meditate upon your problems too long, some would call it being a worrywart. We (ihlcc) do believe that the enemy (Satan and his demons) purposely try to paint the worst possible scenario to bring fear to your mind to produce a “troubled heart”. A trouble heart is usually in bondage to fear and stress which plays right into the devil’s hands. Certainly the devil knows if you meditate upon the wrong things for an extended period of time you will have a “troubled heart”. Yes, the Father of Trouble delights in those individuals with a “troubled heart” because He knows that he has their attention. Thus, we should be wise Christians and avoid all temptation to worry and wonder about non-essential things that produce a “troubled heart”. The solution for overcoming a “troubled heart” is always being proactive. We notice in verse 39 of today’s scripture that Mary sat at the feet of Jesus. This means that Mary focused all of her current time and attention upon Jesus while He was with them and Jesus is the Living Word of God. She esteemed the Words of Jesus as God personally speaking directly to her. Of course we know others were in the room but whenever Jesus speaks in your presence there is always something special in His message that applies directly to you. This is why we must be willing to give our full attention to God’s Word and the minsters of God because we are never certain exactly when the nugget of God’s Gold for us will come forth to us. Yes, God typically doesn’t announce to us when to pay Him close attention and when not to. No we either focus in on God’s Word or God’s messenger or we don’t. If we choose not to draw closer to God it will cost us something (like necessary knowledge, deeper understanding, divine revelation, His wisdom, etc . . .) but The Way of Escape always exists when we look for it (Him). The key point we are trying to make is that God’s Word is always The Way, The Truth and The Light. So if you are in need of an escape plan because you are caught in the middle of a bad or difficult situation, God’s Word (Jesus Christ Himself) can show you how to get out. On the other hand if lies are being spread around you and some people have chosen to lie about your character (intentions) or actions immediately go to God’s Word to see, think about (ponder) and speak the truth of who you really are in Christ Jesus, your Lord and Savior. Finally, if you are trapped in darkness so much so that you can’t see (understand) what to do next, then Call upon the Name of Jesus and spend extra time in God’s Word because He is The Light in the midst of darkness. The Word of God alone can give you the lighted path to get out of any and all darkness. In essence all we are saying is wherever state you might be in concerning having a “troubled heart” the solution is always the same. Yes, Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Light and His Light is The Light of your life and all others who are saved. Yes, your life specifically is cherished and protected by God when you put your “troubles” in His Hands. You were created to bring God’s Glory to the earth. So even though “trouble” comes to us attempting to burden our heart when we spend adequate time in God’s Word we would have been properly prepared to not let our heart be “troubled” because our heart is already full of God’s Goodness and Mercy and Love. It is said, “When you know God’s Love through your personal time spent with Jesus a “troubled heart” can’t stay with you because you know exactly how to heal any “troubled heart” in Jesus Name. Amen!